
The moment I go to buy tissues I am called a girl
And yet I feel so good, so festive, scarcely but surely celebrating the embroidery of my skin
My lips are wine red
My beard shall be gold, carved not grown
I am beautiful, I am handsome
I have a long nose
I have my father’s face and am painted by my mother
I can one day be called a spouse
I am currently called a partner
And a parent of the purest animal souls I am a human, I study philosophy, I am interested in helping Beauty makes me tingle, and it does not discriminate, it is pantheistic I like crafts, I try to write
I am not quite there yet
I struggle to adult
My food has mould sometimes
I give my money to journals
I am a child and I cherish soft things
And winter weather
Ever soft
I am fierce
I am incredibly strong and yet with a single blow of air
I break
I have cold hands and feet even in the summer
I am anxiety
So many palpitations
I hate and loathe and want to throw up on people’s faces
To protect this dizzying kind of interstellar love that shakes me like a branch and controls how I fall
A nauseated leaf fearing gravity
I am not juxtaposition because of its literary worth
I am not shocking, awe-striking contrast
I am not in the middle either
I am human, and humanity is not a binary
I can go places
I can love them all


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